President has addressed the broadly broadcast 'Agyapadie' certificate for the aboriginal time, which is believed to be a adept plan of the Akyem band aural the cardinal (NPP).

The 38-page document, which lacks a accustomed author, acutely appearance the Okyenhene, Osagyefo Amoatia Ofori Panin, on the awning photo, followed by Admiral and his ancestor Akufo-Addo on the consecutive page.

Essentially, the book outlines a declared action for complete accompaniment abduction by affecting individuals of Akyem descent, with the ambition of establishing the Akyem commonwealth as the best ascendant in the country.

During The Ghana Report Summit in Accra on Thursday, August 1, 2024, Admiral Akufo-Addo addressed the 'Agyapadie' certificate as one of the affected account belief that accept been broadcast about him.

He declared that the certificate was a artifact by his political opponents aiming to accretion political advantage.

"Today, with a few months to the December 2024 election, they are at it again. A bogus certificate advantaged Agyapadie is actuality puzzled about by agents of the opposition, as affirmation of a admirable arrangement by my affair to addendum the state, the assets of the state," he said.

The admiral emphasized that his encounters with affected account highlight the accent of appropriate accuracy from canard and the alarm for all of us to abide acute adjoin the perils of misinformation and disinformation.

About the Agyapadie document:

The document, which was forwarded to the Okyenhene Ofori Panin, independent affairs of the Akyem band to advance ascendancy of the NPP.

In its 'Table of Contents,' the book break bottomward the assorted aspects of Ghanaian activity that the cabal, dubbed the 'Akyem Mafia,' advised to control, authoritative the blow of the country adjustable to the dictates of the called Akyem.

From chieftaincy to the economy, politics, and all aspects of Ghanaian society, the book outlines a abundant plan by the declared Akyems to authorize absolute ascendancy and ensure that the active of the country is done at their allure and call.

The book predicts key contest in the country, including changes in administration at the Social Security and National Insurance Trust, the collapse of aboriginal Ghanaian banks and banking institutions, and the advised and acquainted accession of the Okyenhene as the best able chieftaincy academy in the country, amid others.

In the religious sphere, assertive able and accepted men of God who were apparent as opponents of the administration were activity to be targeted and destroyed, while those believed to be in favor of the government were activity to be supported.

Okyenhene's reaction:

While authority has remained bashful on the book and advised it with contempt, the Okyenhene has been accountable to debris its appliance afterward contempo claims by some persons, decidedly associates of the action National Democratic Congress.

"We saw this during the aeon of J.B. Danquah, and we're seeing this now. In and about October 2016, about a few months afore the election, the aforementioned certificate accepted as the 'Akyem Project' was in circulation.

"The focus of that was to fan abhorrence amid Okyeman and Asanteman to attenuate the balloter efforts of Nana Akufo-Addo. Unfortunately for them, it came too backward to the election.

"This atrocious plan was revised in 2019. In the year 2020, back the Agyapa business became a political issue, the book aback metamorphosed into 'Agyapadie,'" Okyenhene declared during a Accompaniment Council affair at Kyebi in the Eastern region.

"Many kingdoms accept apparent greater development over the years, but some bodies consistently accept issues whenever the government decides to accompany development to Okyeman. I accept heard things in contempo times. The funniest of it is that I am the richest arch in Ghana. I mean, how? Anyway, back anyone commendations you as a affluent person, you charge accept it. I accustomed it," Okyenhene said with a smile.

Watch Akufo-Addo's animadversion in the video below:


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