President has bemoaned the ceaseless use of affected account in the political mural of Ghana.

Speaking at The Ghana Report Summit in Accra on Thursday, August 1, 2024, the admiral declared that he has been a victim of affected news.

He said that his political opponents accept bogus all forms of unfounded claims adjoin him, including him actuality complex in drugs and him killing his aboriginal wife.

"In 2008, bottomless allegations of biologic trafficking were advance forth with abundant rumours about my bloom advised to casting agnosticism about my adeptness to serve as president. Admiral Kufuor was additionally accused in 2008 of accepting awash all of Ghana's all-around reserves.

"Again, the 2012 acclamation saw apocryphal letters of my declared arrest in London for biologic control and bogus quotes advised to activity indigenous tensions. In 2016, it was claimed by sympathizers with the action that I had dead my backward wife," the admiral said.

He additionally declared that a few months afore the 2024 elections, allegations are actuality bogus adjoin him in the bogus certificate blue-blooded 'Agyapadie'.

Akufo-Addo, therefore, apprenticed the accepted accessible to be attentive about the affair of affected account as the country nears the December 7, 2024 elections.

Watch the president's animadversion in the video below:


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Ghana's arch agenda account platform, GhanaWeb, in affiliation with the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, is embarking on an advancing attack which is geared appear ensuring that assembly passes absolute legislation to adviser agency harvesting, agency donation, and agency transplantation in the country.