To save the environment from the rippling effects of plumes of carbon dioxide, the Research for Development Innovation and Agriculture and Learning (ReDIAL), has produced and commissioned grains and rice thresher at Ejura Sekyedu­mase Municipality of the Ashanti Region.

ReDIAL is a research body ded­icated to Climate-relevant Devel­opment Smart Innovation through research in agriculture (and food systems) in developing countries.

With Ejura Sekyedumase inun­dated with a single crop threshers powered by fossil energy, the ReDAIAL multi-crop clean energy technological breakthrough is pen­cilled to change the narrative.

Co-funded by the European Union (EU), the ReDIAL proj­ect, which is powered by 36,000 kilowatts of solar energy, runs on a cleaner source of energy.