The Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Godfred Dame, has justified the words he acclimated to call the cardinal by the Cloister of Appeal.

Speaking in an account on Asempa FM's Ekosiisen program, Godfred Dame declared that his comments were not advised as blame and that they had been misconstrued.

According to him, those words are permissible in court, suggesting that the altercation surrounding his comments is unnecessary.

"These are words that are accustomed in the cloister of law. They are not blame in the address that they accept consistently approved to use against, back I say they, I beggarly the attorneys for the accused persons. You heard alike the affectionate of words that they use on me. Not a distinct chat which is not permissible in a cloister of law was acclimated in my columnist release.

"I said that cardinal one, it's 'grossly unfair.' Is grossly arbitrary a amiss chat to use or a amiss announcement to use? It is not the byword grossly unfair. I meant to alone say that it's actual arbitrary and annihilation amiss with that.

"When I say it's adverse to the action adjoin accessible accountability or action adjoin impunity, I am adage that it militates adjoin the accomplishment to brand out dispensation in the accessible service. And back I say so, what I beggarly is that the aspect of causing banking accident answerability is to anticipate accessible admiral from abusing their acumen unnecessarily.

"It's to anticipate accessible admiral from acting foolishly or negligently. If you act foolishly in accessible service, that's dispensation because indeed, you are declared to aegis the accessible absorption and accessible purse…" he explained.


Following a 2-1 cardinal by the Cloister of Address on July 30, to absolve and acquittal Minority Leader and Businessman Richard Jakpa in the ambulance accretion trial, Godfred Dame declared the cardinal by the Cloister of Address to be abnormal and grossly unfair.

"The Appointment of the Attorney-General considers the accommodation of the Cloister of Address to be abnormal in the adventure for accessible accountability and the aphorism of law. The accommodation acutely is heavily adjoin the weight of the cogent affirmation led by the case in analysis of all the accuse adjoin the accused bodies at the trial.

"The Appointment of the Attorney-General considers the accommodation of the Cloister of Address grossly arbitrary to the nation and adverse to the action adjoin dispensation and corruption in accessible office. The Appointment will promptly book an address in adjustment to abolish the aftereffect of this erroneous accommodation of the Cloister of Appeal," genitalia of the account read.

He has back appear beneath abundant backfire from key personalities and institutions, conspicuously the Ghana Bar Association, over his remarks.