Article Authors:  Dr. Roger Akanbisik and Dr. Frederick Kojo Gbagba, Advertisement  Introduction The abstraction of calendar empowerment has acquired acceptance in the 21st aeon in several areas. Calendar empowerment is said to be the development and training of competencies by bodies that accomplish it attainable to minimise amusing inequalities through the development of capacities for use as able-bodied as addition based on Information and Advice Technology (ICT), geared appear the capitalism of the alone and their environments, like platforms for entrepreneurship, afterimage and management. It accordingly consists of accouterment bodies with abilities and adeptness to cross the digitized world, enabling them to admission avant-garde technology and accouter its adeptness for both alone and association development. However, about the apple and alike in the 21st century, there is a huge calendar gender gap in abounding regions of the world. For instance, Sub-Saharan African women are 37% beneath acceptable than men to use adaptable internet. This is the bigger calendar gender gap in the world. However, it is account acquainted that bridging the calendar gender gap is acute to the development of individuals, abnormally women and countries. This will empower women and abutting the gender inequalities in abounding societies. technology, according to several analysis accept been accurate to acquire the adeptness to advance bread-and-butter and educational opportunities and amusing admittance for women. This commodity takes a added activity into the absolute gender gap and discusses how the allowances of abstruse addition can be attainable to all. For bigger understanding, this commodity will be disconnected into several subheadings

Bridging the Calendar Gender Divide A contempo commodity by The Atlantic declared that ahead the technology ecosystems were badly one-sided, featuring mainly males. However, in contempo times, there has been a archetype about-face in the technology ecosystem with added women entering the technology domain. However, from abounding indications, the calendar gender gap persists. This creates inequalities in the admission and acceptance of technology, adverse women's amusing and bread-and-butter empowerment. The apple has accustomed this affair and all-embracing organizations, businesses and alike individuals are now alive endlessly to abutting the calendar gap amid men and women by formulating behavior and programmes as able-bodied as advocating for according opportunities and admittance in the calendar space. According to a cardinal of research, to accomplish gender adequation and women's empowerment, girls and adolescent women charge to accept according admission to calendar training, and technology and additionally be safe online, aloof as men. Analysis has additionally apparent that men are 52% added acceptable to accept internet admission than women in developing countries. Thus, it can be deduced that the gender calendar gap in a country like Ghana is wide. However, All-embracing Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and governments are alive endlessly to arch this gap and technology is at the centre of it. Legislations about STEM, and advance in abstruse infrastructures, amid others are actuality agitated out to arch the calendar gender gap in several countries

Education Above Boundaries Technology has been deployed by abounding countries and policy-makers accept formulated and implemented policies, initiatives, and programmes to accommodate apprenticeship systems to put technology at the centre of it. This is to advice breach bottomward bounded and added forms of barriers and accredit girls and women to appropriately admission technology. Also, abstruse accoutrement such as calendar articulacy programs, online platforms, and educational applications are allotment several women to admission avant-garde technology to accretion new abilities and additionally accompany several endeavours that advice them breach age-long stereotypes. Thus, the appulse of calendar apprenticeship and empowerment goes above individuals and has ripple furnishings that accord to civic development and progress. Also, several countries accept now apparent the accent of auspicious girls and adolescent women to abstraction STEM aloof like boys and adolescent men do

Economic Empowerment Through Calendar Entrepreneurship The calendar amplitude has led to a new allotment of entrepreneurship, accouterment women with several avenues for bread-and-butter empowerment. There is an amaranthine account of success belief as women entrepreneurs about the apple apply calendar platforms for calendar marketing, e-commerce and online businesses to breach civic bread-and-butter barriers. This archetype about-face not alone improves the bread-and-butter opportunities for women but additionally enables them to claiming and breach acceptable norms and stereotypes, arch to a added assorted and across-the-board ambitious landscape. Abstruse advance has additionally fabricated easy, ambitious tasks that acclimated to be tedious, enabling both men and women to booty up responsibilities in the mural of entrepreneurship. Thanks to abstruse advancements in the 21st century, women are encouraged to abstraction technology-related courses such as robotics, web design, etc., bringing them at par with their macho counterparts in the mural of technology

Digital Accoutrement for Wellness and Health In the 21st century, technology has become acute to the bloom and wellness of women, enabling them to booty acceptable affliction of themselves and their health. This has helped to annihilate several sicknesses and diseases that acclimated to arrest women from demography on assertive jobs, responsibilities and tasks as their macho counterparts and today, women are at par with men in this regard. For instance, the 21st aeon has apparent a amazing advance in menstrual bloom application technology. In contempo years, several wearable accessories accept been produced. These accessories are advised to clue menstrual cycles. Such accessories accredit women (and, in some instances, their partners) to apperceive and accept bigger their menstrual aeon as able-bodied as how different it is to them. Some technologies advice women in the 21st aeon to accept and advance their health. They accommodate digitized accessories for abundance tracking, menstrual affliction management, abundance monitoring, breast bloom and postpartum care. All these appear calm to empower women through digitalization to accretion according admission to opportunities and assets aloof as men

Amplifying the Choir and Advancement of Women Through Digitization/Technology Like no added century, the 21st aeon has apparent the choir and advocacies of women actuality heard added and this can be abundantly attributed to the advance in technology and the digitalization of advice accessories and channels. Abstruse advance and the digitalization of advice channels such as the assorted amusing media platforms accept fabricated it attainable and accessible for the choir and advocacies of women to be heard. Women are utilizing calendar advice accoutrement and channels to drive their campaigns and movements, enabling women to breach several academic boundaries and strive for excellence. Additionally, calendar activism is about-face the narratives of women, blame women's rights as able-bodied as gender adequation to the beginning of civic conversations in the 21st century

Conclusion Conclusively, it can be said that the calendar era of the 21st aeon has become a cornerstone of gender adequation and women's empowerment, catapulting women into a new era of opportunities and possibilities. Calendar empowerment is about-face the narratives of women in several aspects of life: from entrepreneurship to apprenticeship to advancement and health. The able appliance of this new borderland can advice actuate the calendar of gender adequation and women's empowerment in the world

Article Authors:  Dr. Roger Akanbisik, (PhD Amusing Entrepreneurship); Dr. Frederick Kojo Gbagba, (PhD Amusing Entrepreneurship