Government is set to pay GH¢95 actor in acumen debt to business and In­formation Technology (IT) con­sultancy account provider, West Blue Ghana Limit­ed, over the abortion of its arrangement with the State

The bulk is a atom of the GH¢287 actor West Blue approved in adjudication afterward the cancel­lation of its arrangement in 2018

Commissioner General of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), Ms Julie Essiam, who con­firmed the accolade of the bulk adjoin the State at the audition of the Public Accounts Committee in Accra on Tuesday said the Authority has accomplished an agree­ment with the Cloister to pay the bulk in three tranches

"The judgement debt is GH¢ 95 actor but we will not be able to pay all (at a go) so there is an acceding with the cloister to pay this in instalments," she told the Committee. She was responding to analysis allegation independent in the Audi­tor-General's address on Ministries, Departments and Agencies beneath application afore the commit­tee

Ms Essiam explained that afterward the abortion of West Blue's arrangement in 2018 and a consecutive apprenticeship for it to cease operation in 2020, the IT close proceeded to cloister in 2023 for redress

West Blue provided abstruse and abutment casework to the Ghana Revenue Authority amid 2015 and 2020 and renewable for not added than bristles added years

The contract, entered with the Ministry of Finance and the GRA, was for the accouterment of the Civic Distinct Window and Integrated Risk Management by West Blue

The IT close was to assassinate government's action of adopt­ing a civic cyberbanking distinct window as a agency to, amid others, access ability through time and bulk accumulation for traders in their ambidextrous with government authorities for acknowledging with the commercial, financial, regulatory, carriage and acumen require­ments for affective cargoes beyond civic or bread-and-butter borders

In a command filed at the Commer­cial Division of the High Cloister in Accra, West Blue argued that the GRA was allowable to pay it a arrangement price, a fee agnate to 0.35 per cent of final balance cost, allowance and bales amount of acceptation consignments entering Ghana through the land, sea and air borders

According to West Blue, the defendants - Ministry of Finance and GRA - bootless to accomplish abounding pay­ment of the fees due it beneath the clauses agreed upon

"Defendants accept additionally bootless and/or banned to accomplish abounding acquittal of the fees payable to plaintiff for the casework of plain­tiff, as affianced by the Ministry of Finance and GRA to accommodate from January 1, 2019, to May 2020," West Blue added in its suit