PRESIDENT Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo yes­terday presented a agile of 2,240 units of abundant assignment equip­ment to all 265 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assem­blies (MMDAs) in the country to accredit them maintain, adjust and upgrade, burghal and agriculturalist anchorage in their corresponding areas

The agile acquired beneath the District Alley Advance Pro­gramme (DRIP), included motor graders, backloaders, rollers, caster loaders, bulldozers, tipper trucks, accurate mixers, baptize tankers, low beds and added capital equipment

DRIP is a new action of the government geared appear acceptable the country's alley net­work while decentralising develop­ment and convalescent the affection of lives of Ghanaians

As allotment of the action anniversary of the 265 districts will accept a continuing board absolute a abstruse administrator from the Ministry of Bounded Government, Decentral­isation and Rural Development (MLGRD), one abstruse administrator from the Ministry of Anchorage and Highways and one being from the 48 Engineers Regiment of the Ghana Armed Forces. The board will be chaired by the corresponding MMDCEs and will be tasked with the respon­sibility of ensuring the accomplished standards of affection and account­ability in the beheading of alley projects beyond the country

At a accompanying commemoration to alfresco the new action and additionally present the accessories to the corresponding assemblies, President Akufo-Addo said DRIP apparent an important anniversary in the country's following of infrastructural development

He said the machines were not alone tools, but instruments of change, enablers of progress, and symbols of our adherence in im­proving the lives of all Ghanaians

President Akufo-Addo said the accomplishing of programme although aggressive would advance to the conception of some 10,000 jobs for mechanics, engineers and artisans in the country

He said the analytical role of alley basement in bread-and-butter advance and amusing development appropriate that government formed assidu­ously to advance alley arrangement in the country, affirmation that "Roads affix communities, facilitate trade, accredit admission to apprenticeship and healthcare, and ultimately advance the affection of activity for the citizenry." President Akufo-Addo acclaimed that admitting cogent advance fabricated in the amplification of the country's alley network, there still remained abounding districts whose anchorage remained in poor condition, adverse bread-and-butter activities and development

To this end he said the DRIP had been advised to empow­er MMDAs with the all-important assets and accessories to reha­bilitate and advance anchorage aural their areas

This action he said accumbent with the government's commit­ment to decentralisation and pro­viding bounded authorities with the accoutrement to aftereffect allusive change

President Akufo-Addo said his government had completed a absolute of 12,830 kilometres of anchorage beyond the country while abacus six interchanges to the absolute ones

This he said was a cogent admission compared to the 4,636 kilometres and bristles interchang­es completed during the Mills/ Mahama era from 2009 to 2016, affirmation that "Current projects accommodate 10 new interchanges, with bristles accepted to be completed by the end of the year and bristles added by 2025." President Akufo-Addo apprenticed all the almsman MMDCEs to attach to the operational chiral issued by authoritative ministries and stakeholders and ensure able use and aliment of the equipment

He additionally alleged on the Ministry of Bounded Government, Decentral­isation and Rural Development to authorize ecology and evalua­tion mechanisms to clue advance and ensure accountability

The Minister of Bounded Gov­ernment, Martin Adjei Mensah Korsah, on his allotment said DRIP was the better accomplishment anytime in the nation's history in agreement of allotment District Assemblies to backpack out timely, able and able aliment of anchorage aural their jurisdiction

He said alike admitting the better blackmail to the activity was the abridgement of able aliment and mis­use abnormally for clandestine endeav­ours, the Ministry had put in abode a cardinal of measures to apprehend that and ensure that they were maintained

Mr Korsah said through the programme accomplish had been taken to alternation oper­ators, drivers and techni­cians as allotment of the all-embracing accomplishing of the aliment protocols and to ensure acknowledged imple­mentation of DRIP

"We accept accustomed acrimonious ecology controls both digitally and by a well-crafted aggregation fabricated up of stakeholder, Ministries and would appeal austere compliance. This is to ensure sustainability of the Programme and able use of these equipment," he said

The Administrator of Dis­trict Assemblies Common Fund (DACF), Irene Naa Torshie Addo-Lartey, said a funder of DRIP, the DACF was committed to acknowledging the action in the continued booty to decidedly advance the alley networks at the districts

This she said was to facilitate the chargeless movement of appurtenances and people, enhance busline of acreage aftermath to abate post-har­vest losses, accessible new markets for bounded farmers and advance admission to bloom care, amid added bene­fits and thereby accord to the all-embracing advance of affection of life