The Aflao Traditional Council, led by its President and Paramount Chief, Torgbiga Amenya Fiti V, was part of the dignitaries who graced the 2024 Imbalu cultural festival of the Bamasaba tribe in the Republic of Uganda. The festival coincided with the royal anniversary of Umukuka III, President of the Bamasaba cultural institutions. The annual event brought together traditional and political leaders from the eastern African countries and other parts of the African continent and aimed at preserving the rich African culture and values and how to create a synergy between traditional and political authorities for the forward march of the continent. It was celebrated with the theme "Honoring Heritage, Embracing Prosperity, and Inspiring Economic Transformation." Speaking at a colourful durbar to climax activities that marked the week-long celebrations, Paramount Chief and President of the Aflao Traditional Council, who doubles as the President of the Forum of Kings and Traditional Leaders of Africa, Torgbiga Amenya Fiti V, called for a cultural revival and renaissance that identified the African continent and distinguished it from other continents. He said there was a need for all Africans to embrace their cultural identity and to deliberately showcase it across the globe, adding, "You only know the value of something when you lose it." Torgbiga Amenya Fiti bemoaned the current trajectory where the younger generation of Africans took to emulating foreign culture to the detriment of the rich African culture, making Africans lose their identity, and calling for a change in the status quo.