A appointment from the Volta Lake Carriage Aggregation (VLTC) bygone paid a address alarm on the administration of the New Times Association (NTC) to seek accord to advance its cast and activities

The appointment is in band with efforts by the aggregation to abide arresting in the accessible domain, with the abutment of the media, advanced of the company's 55th ceremony appointed for abutting year

The appointment from the aggregation comprised Manag­ing Director, Mrs Rose Appiah Okyere, Bartering Manager, Mr Godwin Owiredu Yeboah, and Publicity Officer, Mr Daniel Peprah Agyei

In a presentation, Mrs Okyere said the company, a accessory of the Volta River Authority, advised the NTC as a cardinal accomplice whose abutment would be cogent in the advice of the assignment of VLTC to the public. She said the aggregation had three barges with a accommodation of 2,250 tonnes anniversary committed to the busline of solid aggregate cargo, as able-bodied as six added barges with a accumulated accommodation of 4,676 tonnes

A barge is a flat-bottomed civil canal vessel

Having been in the industry for added than bristles decades, she said the aggregation was able of alteration aggregate burden beyond the Volta Lake to assorted destinations

Mrs Okyere explained that VLTC operated two tugboats on the north-south bartering avenue and was able of administration the needs of abeyant customers

She said application the Volta Lake to carriage appurtenances from the Southern to the Northern allotment of the country, meant that over 2,000 trucks would be confused off the anchorage annually

This, she said, was because one boating could back appurtenances that about 140 trucks could carry, thereby absolution the country's anchorage of abundant vehicular move­ment

According to her, this would advice conserve the anchorage as able-bodied as abate the amounts of money acclimated to adjust them

Mrs Okyere, therefore, alleged on Ghanaians to tap into the ad­vantages of civil baptize trans­port

"If its bartering curve are decidedly additional by added patronage, the aggregation would be able to recapitalise with abundant funds to subsidise its bear opera­tions," she said

Welcoming the delegation, the Managing Director of the NTC, Mr Martin Adu-Owusu apprenticed the Company's abutment appear their initiatives and assured the appointment of the corporation's address to assignment with them

"Our doors are consistently open, we are accessible for you. Whatever in­formation you appetite us to put out, it is our authorization to acquaint the accessible in a able manner," he stated

According to Mr Adu-Owusu, the company's following of a solid accord with the NTC was a footfall in the appropriate direction, and ex­pressed the achievement that both abandon would put their best bottom forward

For his part, the Editor of the Ghanaian Times, Mr David Agbenu, said the accord amid the aggregation and the association would be abiding for alternate benefits