Groups and individuals accept hailed the access of the Acknowledging Activity (Gender Equity) Bill, 2024, anecdotic it as a above footfall advanced in the activity for women's empowerment in the country

Including the Acknowledging Activity Bill Coalition, ActionAid Ghana, and the People's National Affair (PNP) they said the bill, back assented to, would abode the gender disparities that accept continued existed in Ghanaian society

A account issued bygone by Sheila Minkah-Premo, the Acknowledging Activity Bill Coalition's convener, said the access of the law afterwards 13 years of advancement was a celebrated moment for Ghana

"By canonizing measures to accommodate for acknowledging activity in the accessible and clandestine sectors, in simple terms, the access of this law will ensure the accelerating accomplishment of gender antithesis in all sectors by the set targets in the law," the account said. It, therefore, apprenticed President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to acceptance to the bill promptly and additionally alleged on all Ghanaians to ensure the accomplishing of this law appear the accomplishment of gender adequation by the year 2030

The account said the law's access was a attestation to the adherence of the Coalition, which back the aboriginal abstract in 2011 had been active in the accouterment of abstruse resources, lobbying, advocacy, and adopting awareness

The Coalition thanked Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin, Min­ister of Gender Dakoa Newman, accepted and above Chairpersons of the Parliamentary Committee on Gender and Children, and all parliamentarians who accurate the Bill

It additionally bidding acknowledgment for the Convener, Coordinator, and associates of the Coalition's Steering Committee, the tech­nical aggregation who drafted the Bill, accomplished Ministers of Gender who contributed over the years, and ABANTU for Development, the Coalition's host organisation

"As we bless this victory, the Coalition charcoal com­mitted to continuing our assignment to beforehand gender adequation in Ghana and ensure that women are progressively chip into key controlling processes in this country," it said

The People's National Affair (PNP) has commended "the accepted Parliament for its celebrated decision, alike beneath pressure, acknowledging that it is the best accelerating Parliament back the birth of our democracy," the affair said in a columnist account on Tuesday

Signed by its Chairperson and National Leader, Janet Asana Nabla, the account added said afterwards the President assents to the bill, Ghana would accompany the ranks of African nations such as South Africa, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, and Tanzania that accept already allowable agnate legislation

ActionAid, in a Facebook column attributed to its Country Director, John Nkaw, said the access was appropriate and would go a continued way adjoin eradicating age-old gender asperity and allowance to abode ability imbalances in the country stemming from actual bigotry adjoin women and assiduous affectionate socio-cultur­al systems and norms

"This additionally agency that citizens and CSOs, while adulatory this achievement, charge to abstraction the agreeable of the bill and actuate how we can adviser its able accomplishing and practice," he said

Former Gender Minister and Human Rights lawyer, Nana Oye Bampoe Addo, who has support­ed the advancement over the years, in a Facebook column congratulated all those who fought and accurate the process

Her almsman at the Ministry, Otiko Afisa Djaba told Joynews that the access of the law was in the appropriate administration that would beforehand women empowerment in the country