The Kofi Annan International Peace­keeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) has launched its 20th anniversary celebration with commitment to strengthen peace in the upcoming elections.

KAIPTC was established by Ministry of Defense in 1998 and officially launched in 2004, the centre has become a pillar of peace training and research, dedicated to preparing military, police, and ci­vilians for the demands of modern peacekeeping.

The Chief of Defence Staff, Lieutenant General Thomas Oppong-Peprah, in a speech read on his behalf stressed the impor­tance of peace and security in the nation's upcoming general election.

He expressed optimism that the upcoming December elections would continue the country's tradi­tion of democratic stability. "Ghana boasts a strong re­cord of conducting free and fair elections, which has earned us respect at home and abroad, this year's elections will further solidify Ghana's standing as a beacon of democracy," he emphasised.