Renowned investigative journalist , in his latest publication, 'The President Ghana Never Got', has disclosed how some individuals in the government benefited from Ghana's woes of high indebtedness. In his 409-page book, the journalist shared copies of documents he obtained from the Ministry of Finance through a Right to Information request, which showed that the bank of former Minister of Finance , Databank, made millions of dollars from the country's indebtedness. Details of the book, which were published by, showed that as Ofori-Atta was signing debt instruments which were pushing the country into a ditch, Databank was making millions of dollars. The bank, together with two other financial institutions, became the regular facilitator of the Akufo-Addo government's borrowing when Ofori-Atta became finance minister, and it benefited greatly from both Ghana's international and domestic debts. The documents disclosed that Ofori-Atta's Databank made a whopping US$9.2 million through the loan agreements it facilitated for the country while he (Ofori-Atta) was in office.