The police has announced that it is investigating a shooting incident which occurred during political campaign activities in the Agona West Constituency.The incident which occurred on the evening of Sunday, October 27 left four persons injured.According to the police, two of the injured persons have received treatment and been discharged while the remaining two are still on admission.Police say they are closing in on the perpetrator to get him to face Ghana Police Service (@GhPoliceService) October 28, 2024Reports were that supporters of Agona West NPP Parliamentary Candidate, Chris Arthur and Cynthia Morrison encountered each other while campaigning in the same area.Tensions escalated leading to a clash and alleged shooting attack on Cynthia Morrison, the sitting MP in the area who has decided to contest as am Independent Candidate.The Agona West NPP Constituency Nasara Coordinator, Haruna Rashid also sustained gunshot wound.Cynthia Morrison gives blow-by-blow account of alleged shooting attack at Nyarkrom
Police investigate shooting incident at Agona West
2 months ago