Good day, folks.

I have decided to write down my thoughts about this whole confusion or disagreements or misunderstanding between us and the NDC at the moment.I think the source of the misunderstanding is from our appreciation of Article 97 of Ghana's Constitution which relates to a Member of Parliament switching status from a political party representative in the House of Parliament to another political party or independent status or vice versa.The text of the Article which to me and in MY OPINION, Speaker Bagbin has grossly misapplied states as follows:"A Member of Parliament shall vacate his seat in Parliament ……….if he leaves the party which he was a member at the TIME of his ELECTION to Parliament to join another party or seeks to remain in Parliament as an independent member or ….

If he was ELECTED a Member of Parlaiment as an independent candidate and joins a political party".I can see that it is Speaker Bagbin's failure to appreciate the following elements of Article 97 which has led to the kind of ruling he delivered: 1.

time and timing relating to being elected to the House 2.