Former President has expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the investigations by the Office of the Special Prosecutor which clears him of any wrongdoing in the Airbus Scandal. The OSP's investigation found no evidence of corruption or misconduct, reaffirming what Mahama and his supporters have long maintained that he is a leader committed to integrity, honesty, and transparency. In a statement released by the Office of the former President on Thursday, August 8, 2024, Mahama welcomed the OSP's findings, noting that they confirmed the baselessness of the accusations leveled against him. The statement highlighted that the allegations were part of a calculated effort by the ruling government to tarnish his reputation for political gain. "The lies and fabricated stories against President Mahama over the last eight years have been consistently proven false, president Mahama has always made himself available for any investigation, consistently stating that he has nothing to hide and has been ready to cooperate fully with any inquiry," part of the statement said. "The facts of this case have always been clear, and the public has witnessed the machinations behind the scenes, including the disingenuous attempts by the current government to exploit this matter for their advantage," the statement added. The Airbus scandal, which made international headlines, involved allegations that an European aerospace company paid bribes in several countries, including Ghana, to secure contracts for military aircraft.