Vice President of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs and Paramount Chief of the Mirigu Traditional Area, Naaba Anonsona Abisa Anthony Atasige III, together with the Navro Pio, Pe Ayiakwo Balinia Asagipare III, have enskined a new Kassena-Nankana Chief in the Greater Accra Region.

The ceremony, held at the El Wak Stadium, saw the installation of Joseph Babi Achindiba as the new leader for the Kassena-Nankana people residing in Accra. This momentous event marked the third time the Kassena-Nankana people have installed a chief to serve their community in the nation's capital.In his address to the gathering, which included a grand durbar of chiefs and people from various Kassena-Nankana communities, Naaba Atasige III and Pe Asagipare III performed the traditional rituals required for the enskinment.

Naaba Atasige III emphasized the divine nature of chieftaincy, stating that no chief could assume their position without God's appointment.

He reminded the new chief that his role was to serve his people with love, fairness, and inclusivity, advising him to lead with an open heart that accommodates everyone, regardless of their background. According to Naaba Atasige III, the essence of chieftaincy lies in the chief's commitment to his people, and it is crucial that the newly enskinned chief strives to fulfill this sacred responsibility.The Navro-Pio, Pe Asigpare III who performed the rites with Mirigu Naba at the ceremony, added his voice of counsel to the new chief, Joseph Babi Achindiba. He urged him to avoid ruling based on hearsay and gossip, which could lead to unfair judgments and a divided community.