The Minister for Communications and Digitalisation, , has stated that the Akufo-Addo-led government has made significant strides in cyber security development.

Speaking at the official launch of the Cybersecurity Industry Forum in Accra on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, she pointed out that since the government assumed power in 2017, it had implemented a number of key interventions in response to the constantly evolving threats associated with the use of digital platforms. "Notable among them are the launch of the Safer Digital Ghana Campaign, the passage of the Cybersecurity Act, the ratification of the Budapest and Malabo Conventions, and the establishment of the Cyber Security Authority (CSA), among others.

We acceded to the Malabo Convention on Personal Data Protection and Cybercrime, which is our African convention on cybercrime and the Budapest Convention, and they assisted us with the development of our legislation and capacity building and best practices. "The World Bank assisted us with our capacity maturity assessment to know where we were.

We worked with all these partners with international practices in mind to set up a technical working group and to get international exposure as well," she stated.