The Socialist Movement Ghana has presented a set of socio-economic proposals that it believes will culminate in the absolute transformation of the country and deliver it from the neo-liberal socio-economic agenda

At a columnist appointment addressed by its General Secretary, , on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, the accumulation explained the purpose of the another proposals, acquainted that the cold is not to attempt in the 2024 elections but rather to get leaders of the assorted political parties to accede to the measures outlined

The group, through Kwesi Pratt, decried what it observes to be the assiduous adverse appulse of the neo-colonial and neo-liberal bread-and-butter aisle actuality pursued by Ghana, advertence that the country's contempo resort to the International Monetary Fund for a bailout is apocalyptic of how abominably the accepted bread-and-butter arrangement has served the country

The Socialist Movement of Ghana is accordingly ambitious above reforms in the country, anchored on the four contemporary areas of political sovereignty, bread-and-butter independence, amusing equity, and the architecture of a autonomous state

On the economy, the accumulation said, "We charge acknowledgment all sectors of the abridgement to civic ascendancy and stop arrant arrange with TNCs. We adios the angle that a nation-state has no role in bread-and-butter assembly and should aloof actualize the enabling ambiance for adopted broker profitability, acquisitive that this will activate bread-and-butter development. We acceptable adopted clandestine investors accommodating to assignment aural a administration that prioritizes the interests of our bodies and the alteration of analytical technology," genitalia of the account read

In the breadth of political sovereignty, the accumulation bidding the charge for the country to adios neo-colonial corruption and acknowledgment to its non-aligned cachet back it comes to issues of geopolitical significance

The accumulation is additionally ambitious that the abutting baton of the country acknowledge the country's abutment for Palestine and booty accomplish to mend the country's accord with its Sahelian neighbours, which accommodate Mali and Burkina Faso

The accumulation additionally campaigns for a Ghanaian association area the rights enjoyed by the citizens are not angry to their ethnicity, education, rank, or added conditions

The accumulation believes that gender adequation is consequential in accomplishing amusing adequation and accordingly wants the presidential aspirants to accomplish to advancing the development of women in society

"True accord is amusing equality. All citizens charge accept according rights, opportunities, and admission to accessible accessories and services, no amount how assorted we are in agreement of race, ethnicity, language, official rank, education, wealth, or added features," allotment of the account read

The accumulation is additionally calling for actual and extensive changes in the prevailing autonomous system, admonishing of accessible crisis if the cachet quo remains

It believes that citizens charge be fabricated to feel that capitalism is not alone acquainted during elections and that at any point in time in the country's progress, their aggregate apropos and choir will accept the absorption they deserve