The Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyebeng, on Thursday, August 8, 2024, for the first time disclosed that his outfit, the Office of the Special Prosecutor, interviewed former President over his involvement in the Airbus scandal. Kissi Agyebeng, who announced that Mahama was the name behind the "Government Official One" tag in the Airbus scandal during the release of an investigative report on the scandal, said that the former president was interviewed by investigators on January 5, 2024, and was very welcoming. The Special Prosecutor, in the report, indicated that Mahama, whom it cleared of any wrongdoing, opened up about the decision to purchase the aircraft in the Airbus deal by the Ghana Air Force and the Military Command in broad consultation with relevant state institutions, including the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Defence, and ultimately, Parliamentary approval. He said that the former president also disclosed that he met officials of Airbus once, during an official trip to London where the company made a presentation on its crafts to the government of Ghana. "Former President Mahama admitted that during his term as Vice President of the Republic, he met with officials of Airbus sometime in February or March 2011 on an official trip to London - where the Airbus team made a representation to government on their products, including helicopters. He stated that it was a formal meeting attended also by the Minister of Finance, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Commander of the Ghana Air Force," part of the OSP's report reads.