Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, a clandestine acknowledged practitioner and arch affiliate of the New Patriotic Party, whose name has featured acutely in reignited discussions about the arguable 'Agyapadie' book

The book, which aboriginal alike in the lead-up to the 2016 election, has appear up afresh afresh afterward a account by the Okyenhene, Osagyefo Amoatia Ofori Panin

Gabby Otchere-Darko, in an X post, threw abode at bodies who accept the agreeable of the book, advertence that such bodies care to abide cerebral examination

"If you accept a ancestors will certificate its declared angry affairs adjoin the actual apple they proudly alive in, certificate it all in revised copies of a book and appoint a account of the arch of the ancestors angrily on its advanced cover, again amuse do accept your arch appropriately examined. It may advice you greatly," he said

As mentioned earlier, the 'Agyapadie' book is aback amid the hot capacity in the country afterwards the Okyenhene aloft the affair during an abode to his elders

At the Akyem Abuakwa State Council affair captivated over the weekend, Okyenhene alleged on his affinity and Ghanaians to amusement the book with the antipathy it deserves

"We saw this during the aeon of J.B Danquah and we're seeing this now. In and about October 2016, about a few months afore the election, the aforementioned certificate accepted as the 'Akyem Project' was in circulation. The focus of that was to fan abhorrence amid Okyeman and Asanteman to attenuate the balloter efforts of Nana Akufo-Addo. Unfortunately for them, it came too backward to the election." "This atrocious plan was revised in 2019. In the year 2020, back the Agyapa business became a political issue, the book aback metamorphosed into 'Agyapadie'," Okyenhene acclaimed in a State Council affair at Kyebi

Dismissing claims of Akufo-Addo bias, the Okyenhene declared that the Eastern Region had added representation in above President John Agyekum Kufuor's chiffonier than Akufo-Addo, abacus that the book is aimed at causing animosity appear the Akyem people

"Many kingdoms accept apparent greater development over the years, but some bodies consistently accept issues whenever the government decides to accompany development to Okyeman. I accept heard things in contempo times. The funniest of it is that I am the richest arch in Ghana. I beggarly how? Anyway, back anyone commendations you as a affluent person, you charge accept it. I accustomed it," Okyenhene said with a smile