The Nzema Kotoko Traditional Area has expressed opposition to the Ghanaian government's proposed $60 billion petroleum hub project in their region, citing concerns over land ownership, compensation, and environmental impact. The project, announced by the Ministry of Energy, involves the allocation of approximately 20,000 acres of land in the Jomoro area for the construction of the hub. However, traditional leaders in the area, led by Nana Minlah Kpanyinli III, have raised questions about the legitimacy of the project. They claim that the Ministry of Energy did not acquire the land from the rightful owners, specifically the King of the Awiaso-Nzema traditional area, Awulae Kaku Ackah Ill, but instead dealt solely with the Omanhene of Western Nzema, Awulae Annor Adjaye II. The traditional leaders are seeking clarification on the land ownership and compensation issues, as well as assurances about the project's environmental sustainability. "Our investigations subsequently revealed that the government indeed had no hand in the creation of the purported Petroleum Hub.