A son of Ghana's aboriginal President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, has asserted that his sister, , was manipulated by the New Patriotic Affair (NPP) to booty over the reins of the affair founded by their father, the Convention People's Affair (CPP).

Speaking in an account on JoyNews's PM Express, on August 6, 2024, Dr. adumbrated that Samia Nkrumah, a above Chairperson of the CPP, did not accomplish abundant appulse during her administration of the affair because she did not apperceive its history and was manipulated.

"That's the botheration I had with my sister aback she came aback to Ghana because I realised that she didn't apperceive much. She was actuality manipulated by bodies to appear into the country aback she had no abstraction about her administration of the CPP and so on.

"That's a fact. I allege my apperception and I appetite to accept that I allege the truth. The actuality of the amount is that was what happened and she fabricated a accommodation on abrogation the CPP aback the CPP did not change. It was the aforementioned because she didn't accept an compassionate of our political history," he told JoyNews' George Wiafe.

Pressed by the announcer on which affair manipulated his sister, Dr. Nkrumah said, "You bethink I asked you the question, who was in ability aback she was brought to Ghana? Who was arch the CPP aback she was brought to Ghana? Those should acknowledgment your questions."

Asked whether the NDC was the affair in ability aback his sister came aback to Ghana, he retorted, "NPP was in power."

Dr. Nkrumah fabricated the point that the CPP and added abate parties in Ghana are no best able to accomplish any allusive appulse in the country's campaigning because the two arch political parties in Ghana, the NPP and the NDC, baffle in their activities.

"Are you not acquainted that all these abate parties are manipulated by either NDC or NPP? That has been the affair back the 1992 Election?" he quizzed.


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