At least seven (7) people have died in bloody intertribal clashes between Dagombas and Konkombas at Zogbei in the Mion District of the Northern Region, sparking fears of a wider ethnic conflict between the two. The clashes were triggered by a dispute over a piece of land. The Regent of Mion, Abdulai Alhassan Tipariga, released the parcel of land to an unnamed non-governmental organization to construct a school for the community, but this was allegedly met with strong resistance from some Konkomba farmers who claimed the land was their farmland. Eyewitnesses told this reporter that the dispute heightened tensions in the area as both sides armed themselves on Tuesday in anticipation of a possible clash. "By late afternoon, we started hearing gunshots from both sides. We were all scared because we knew it would be bloody and many would die," an eyewitness said. "Later, I saw dead bodies; I can't count but I saw many.