The Food and Agriculture Or­ganisation (FAO) of the United Nations and the European Union (EU) are rolling out a series of interventions to address food in­security and support agricultural recovery in northern Ghana.

The interventions include Training of Trainers (TOT) ses­sions on improved grain storage technologies to enhance the capacities of value chain actors with focus on seed and grain producers.

A statement issued by the FAO and EU in Accra yesterday stated that the trainings would provide knowledge on post-har­  vest handling of grains such as maize and millet towards reducing food loss at the farm and at stor­age centres. "The project will promote dry-season vegetable production by providing capacity develop­ment on climate-adapted farming practices and inputs, including vegetable seeds (tomato, leafy greens, and others) to smallholder farmers in the six target districts", it disclosed .

The statement also said the interventions aim to build the capacities of 12,600 farmers in six districts comprising North East Gonja, North Gonja, Central Gon­ja, Bongo, Kasena Nankana West, and Bunkpurugu Nakpanduri.