A total of 328 ap­prentices, mainly young women, received business start-up kits at the weekend, after undergoing six months apprentice­ship training in the Yendi munici­pality of the Northern Region.

The beneficiaries were trained in hairdressing, dressmaking, weaving, make-up, baking, soap making, barbering, leather works, carpen­try, and masonry and were given tailoring machines, wheel barrows, hair dryers, bakery oven machines, cylinders, barbering machines, hand saw and hammers.

The training was the initiative of the Member of Parliament (MP) for Yendi, Alhaji Farouk Aliu Mahama, with support from the Ghana Enterprise Agency (GEA) and Mastercard Foundation through Business In A Box (Biz­Box) Project.

Distributing the kits to the beneficiaries at a ceremony here in Yendi, Alhaji Mahama said the ini­tiative would empower the youth, especially the young girls and wom­en to ensure that their future career prospects were secured. "It is also at the core of my New Yendi City Projects focused on rolling back frontiers of poverty in the Yendi Municipality.