Dr. Randy Abbey, the host of Good Morning Ghana, believes that the Minister of Finance, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam, is not actuality absolutely honest about the activities that landed Ghana's abridgement in a accompaniment of dystopia

Speaking on the Wednesday, August 7, 2024, adventure of his show, Randy Abbey acclaimed that Dr. Amin Adam is gluttonous to gaslight Ghanaians with his acknowledgment and consecutive absolution of the bearings that accountable the government to cycle out the Domestic Debt Exchange Program (DDEP)

Dr. Abbey acclaimed that the accounts minister's action of advertence adorning projects as the account of the bread-and-butter blend is backbiting and an insult to Ghanaians

Dr. Abbey said that Ghana's bread-and-butter struggles were due to the abortion of the government to ascendancy its amount and borrowing

"When I apprehend the Accounts Minister accomplish those comments and again in the aforementioned animation say that admitting the challenges, this is ongoing, that is advancing … You accept appear to put your easily in my abridged and bag, taken my hard-earned money, and you about-face about to say that you've done article brilliant. I acquisition that actual insulting

"If you ask me to participate in ESLA bonds and ask me to participate in amber bonds and you accord me a crew on my accumulation and change the absorption amount and aeon for acquittal of those things, and that is what enables you to bead the country's debt to a assertive point

"If you about-face about and acquaint me that admitting all these challenges, accessible area workers are actuality paid, Free SHS is on, this is on, but all those things are actuality done because of how adventuresome you were with your debt management," he said

The Minister of Finance, Dr. Amin Adam, on Tuesday, August 6, apologized to Ghanaians for the difficulties they accept faced due to the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme (DDEP)

He emphasized that the government never advised to appoint hardships on the citizens

"We absitively to restructure our debts because it was one of the requirements by the IMF. We started with the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme. The DDEP was a actual acknowledged programme, accomplishing 95% participation. And on this note, I would like to address to the bodies of Ghana to absolve us, absolve us

"It is never the ambition of any government to appoint hardships on its people. More so, the NPP government has approved that we appetite to abate the accountability on the Ghanaian people," myjoyonline.com quoted him as saying

He continued, "It was a necessary, actual important accommodation at the time, that if we had abhorred it, our abridgement would not balance as it has recovered today. The decisions we made, and all the abutment you gave us during the DDEP, accept contributed abundantly to the accretion our abridgement is seeing today

"This is why I appetite to address to you to absolve us. But additionally to acknowledge you on account of the admiral for the sacrifices, for the efforts that you all accept fabricated accommodating in the DDEP that adored our economy." EK