President Nana Addo Dank­wa Akufo-Addo has praised the Okyenhene, Osagye­fuo Amoatia Ofori Panin, for his unwavering commit­ment to environmental conserva­tion over the past 25 years.

He said since ascending to the Ofori Panin Stool, Okyenhene, has championed the fight against deforestation, irresponsible min­ing, water pollution, and activities that harm the environment and contributed to global warming.

Speaking at a grand durbar in Kyebi to mark Ofori Panin's 25th anniversary as the Okyenhene, President Akufo-Addo lauded his consistent advocacy. "Today, the advocacy you started 25 years ago has become an issue of serious concern to all," the President said. "Many groups and institutions have joined the campaign against irresponsible mining and the need to protect the environment.

You have done well.