Former UN Senior Babyminding Advisor, Prof. Baffour Agyeman-Duah, says admitting Ghana's admirable autonomous credentials, the country has little to appearance in agreement of bread-and-butter allowances from its autonomous achievements

"Ultimately, bodies appetite to see their abundance added through the backroom that we have. Meaning the abridgement accepting better, application actuality available, bodies alive for appropriate salaries and actuality able to booty affliction of the basics of life," he told Joy News' PM Express on Wednesday

His comments followed above Deputy Finance Minister Kwaku Kwarteng's allegory of Ghana's bread-and-butter administration to a Ponzi scheme. The Obuasi West MP attributed the accepted bread-and-butter challenges at both civic and domiciliary levels to decades of poor governance, political mismanagement, and bread-and-butter disability beyond assorted administrations. Read also: Ghana's abridgement is run like a Ponzi arrangement - Kwaku Kwarteng In an commodity on Thursday, July 25, blue-blooded "To breach the eight, we charge aboriginal breach the norm," Mr Kwarteng brash his party, the administering New Patriotic Affair (NPP), and all political parties to abode these systemic issues

Prof. Agyeman-Duah agreed, stating, "The accumulation of our efforts has not been acquiescent any after-effects and therefore, we charge to change the aisle of our backroom which tends to actuate the economy." He accurate Mr Kwarteng's use of the appellation Ponzi arrangement to call the economy, acquainted that both NDC and NPP governments accept continuously adopted after prioritising calm production

"Certain things that we can do ourselves, governments are not putting priorities on those issues, so we alike acceptation toothpicks. "Meanwhile, politicians accept been voted for to anticipate for us calm with the inputs that we accommodate yet they don't appetite to use the ability vested in them and assets at their auctioning to drive the appropriate changes," he explained

Prof. Agyeman-Duah added that already in office, politicians generally focus on narrow, absolute behavior that do not serve the broader population

Dr Kojo Pumpuni Asante, the Director of Advocacy and Policy Engagement with CDD Ghana, additionally on the show, echoed agnate sentiments

"You cannot aloof go and accept an acclamation and apprehend that in the action of governing, you absolutely abuse or you are boisterous or adventuresome and somehow at the end you get development. This is the affectionate of bold we accept been arena for a continued time," he stated

He accent that after acceptable governance, capitalism cannot advance to development, acquainted that the bearings has worsened over the years, bidding a agitation on whether the political chic is accommodating to change this narrative

Godfred Alufa Bokpin, an economics assistant at the University of Ghana, added his perspective, highlighting a growing annoyance with Ghana's capitalism as it fails to account the boilerplate person

"Our capitalism has been bargain to elections, and the electorates additionally adapt for that as they all try to aerate their allotment during acclamation year by accession money from politicians," he said

"On average, what we do is use the poor and electorates alone as affliction of because the ambition absolutely is not to administer able-bodied for the account of the accustomed Ghanaian. Politicians, already they get power, change aggregate from the way they see things back they are in opposition. "This is artlessly because we are not absolute for the accepted good; that is not the goal. We absolutely don't adulation ourselves, and it is not absolutely our ambition that it will be able-bodied with every Ghanaian," he stated

According to him, if Ghanaians are cat-and-mouse for politicians to displace the country to absence mode, "it will never happen." Tags:   Prof Baffour Agyeman-Duah Related to this story Labour unions can paralyse the accomplished country  - Prof Agyeman-Duah warns government Prof Agyeman-Duah advocates for brainy bloom screening of -to-be accessible admiral Political parties charge accept a unified civic acclamation for acceptable development - Prof Agyeman-Duah We accept underachieved in our 30 years of capitalism - Assistant Agyeman-Duah It is alarming how we accept angry our backroom into moneycracy - Prof Agyemang-Duah Joy Change-Speakers series: Prof Baffour Agyeman-Duah: Accepting it right: My case for a built-in analysis Systems that will authority accessible admiral answerable are not actuality activated - Prof Agyemang-Duah on Auditor-General's address Playback: One-on-on with Prof Baffour Agyeman-Duah on PM Express Scrap the Council of State - Prof Baffour Agyeman-Duah I will not acclaim assimilation of Council of State beneath accepted bread-and-butter challenges - Prof Agyeman-Duah