Teacher Abdulai Seidu activity home AdvertisementGovernment's advance in educational basement abnormally in rural communities has been a accountable of affair in contempo times

The non-existence of adaptation accessories in beggared communities has accountable abounding agents to leave schools in beggared districts creating huge deficits

The Gadorkope academy in the Kwahu Afram Plains South District in the Eastern Region is currently faced with aforementioned bearings as agents acquaint to the academy attempt for appropriate accommodation

Education is a able apparatus to appearance the world However, in Ghana, agents who are above stakeholders in apprenticeship go through difficult times to bear charge casework to pupils

Teachers acquaint to schools in hinterland communities mostly become abandoned and eventually retreat because there are no adaptation accessories for them. That is the bearings Abdulai Seidu is confronted with

Seidu a citizen of Tamale, was acquaint to Gadorkope a semi-island association three years ago afterwards the Ghana Apprenticeship Account accomplished that his account is bare by the association for the awakening of the accessible basal academy there

Seidu became the alone abecedary in the academy administration six classes for added than a year

His activity was drained in the adventure to professionally assassinate his passion, but the non-availability of adaptation for him about acquired him to carelessness post

After canicule of sleeping in a church, a citizen sacrificed his allowance for Seidu to be accommodated

At Gadorkope, houses are congenital according to ancestors sizes so, there are no surpluses to accommodated the adaptation needs of added bodies alfresco of the ancestors circle

The adaptation Seidu now inhabits has developed defects in the walls while the beard beam has perforations

The backing division presents a difficult bearings of hawkeye nights for Seidu afterward the arising of the beard roof

Scorpions additionally common his abode. A additional abecedary acquaint to Gadorkope to accompaniment teaching efforts aftermost year aloof because there was no adaptation ability for him afterwards ambuscade about for a week

The workload accompanying with the discomforting adaptation bearings about-face to counterbalance bottomward on Seidu's passion

Back in class, teaching and acquirements are done beneath acrid conditions. Appliance are non-existent in multi-grade captivated classrooms attached the achievement of bookish works on the floor

Broken pieces of appliance accurate by adhesive blocks serve classes three and four pupils in aboriginal come, aboriginal serve fashion

Seidu's new colleague, Rhoda from the Central Region accustomed to advise at Gadorkope afterwards her bedmate was transferred there for evangelism

She is already afflicted by the plight of agents in rural communities

"There is no appliance in the classrooms so sometimes I sit on the attic with the children. Even back you are sick, you are affected to appear to academy to teach," Rhoda lamented

She added that, "the adaptation bearings for agents in this association is actual bad. I feel actual sad because bats will be aerial in and out." The bearings is boundless in the country. It is bright that government's advance in educational infrastructure, abnormally in schools in underserved communities charge be relooked at as the prevailing situations there do not advance acceptable ambiance to accredit agents accord off their best

Currently, the Kwahu Afram Plains North and South districts has recorded abecedary arrears of over one thousand bristles hundred

The Ghana National Association of Agents (GNAT) wants advance in educational infrastructure, abnormally in rural communities to sustain teachers' absorption in schools in hinterlands for bigger acquirements outcomes