The La Shikpotele (Kingmaker), Nii Adjei Koofeh IV, who is additionally the Leader of Nmati Abonase, has alleged on the Chiefs and bodies of La to abide to alive in accord and accord appear the anniversary anniversary of the Homowo festival. He mentioned that the calendar of activities appear the anniversary has gone on successfully, arch up to the accessible festivity.

Nii Adjei additionally hinted that there is no Paramount Chief currently in La afterwards the annihilation of the backward Chief. He was quick to explain that affairs and issues of such attributes do not anticipate the bodies of La from celebrating.

Nii Adjei Koofeh IV, who is additionally the Government adumbrative at the Municipal Council, batten to the media during the anniversary of Alumi Dzomor at Kowe Blohum, a suburb of La, as allotment of the activities to mark the La Homowo festival, which is admirable and the finest amid added agnate ones aural the Ga state.

He acclimated the break to abode and explain to some associates of the association who accept that the Homowo anniversary should not be acclaimed because a Paramount Chief has not yet been installed.

According to him, he has no affair in that regard, but the gods and some elders of the Traditional Council were consulted, and approval was given. He added, "This is not the aboriginal time the bodies of La are adulatory Homowo after a Paramount Chief."

He referenced years aback in the chieftaincy history of La, area there was no paramountcy, but the Homowo amusement was successful. He assured that animated affairs accept been fabricated to kickstart the break with no challenges and alleged on all the rank and book of the bodies of La to abutment and assemblage abaft the Chiefs for addition admirable Homowo celebration.

Turning the spotlight on boundaries that La belt shares with added communities, he appear that Nyaniba Estates, 37 Military Hospital, Ako Adjei, and its environs, amid others, are beneath the administration of La stool.

He appropriately brash abutting communities of La not to alternate to appoint the stool over issues apropos to boundaries and demarcations in a address that will be bound amicably.