AdvertisementThe Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) has set the ages of October and November to host debates for called presidential candidates and their active mates gluttonous to challenge in the December 7 polls

Former arch amends Sophia Akufo who is additionally a acclaimed adolescent at the IEA said the agitation has been tailored to authorize the believability and adequacy of the candidates for electorates to accomplish abreast decisions at the poll

Since 2000, the IEA has been acclimation presidential debates for candidates of political parties gluttonous to advance the country

The barrage of this year's agitation targets the assurance of some called presidential candidates to outline their eyes for the country

The agitation which will be captivated alone for presidential candidates and active mates will focus on key sectors including economy, governance, infrastructure, education, bloom and energy

A acclaimed adolescent at the IEA, Sophia Akufo is assertive that the agitation will accommodate a different belvedere and befalling for the candidates to explain in detail their behavior for the country while cartoon out their believability and competence

She empiric that, "While we accouterment our challenges, we charge vision, adventuresomeness and acumen to appearance our accepted future. This highlights the accent of a agitation in cartoon out the vision, competence, believability and accommodation of candidates in acclamation our civic challenges." She added explained that the agitation will accredit the electorates accomplish abreast choices back they access the election boxes

Earlier, the Civic Democratic Congress has served apprehension not to partake in the agitation by the IEA, but the Director of Research at the IEA, Dr John Kwakye said the affair is actuality affianced in that regard

Mr John Kwakye He said, "because our advertisement of the presidential agitation came afterwards the NPP presidential applicant had fabricated agnate request, the NDC accused us of accomplishing the behest of the NPP, but it was aloof a bald coincidence. We accept issued a acknowledgment to that aftereffect abstinent same." "We accept back been agreeable the party. We can't say aggregate in the media, but we achievement that the NDC will participate in the debate", he added

In all, two presidential debates will be captivated for the presidential candidates in Kumasi and Accra in October and November while black encounters for alone presidential candidates additionally been appointed for September

A presidential agitation board is actuality constituted to actuate arena rules that will administer the debates and encounters

Read also: Mahama's attack aggregation criticizes IEA for announcement presidential agitation after above-mentioned apprehension to the NDC