A afflicted Ghanaian widow, Faustina Prempeh, has alleged on the accompaniment to arbitrate in her case afterwards a acquaintance burst her acreage at East Legon afterward the afterlife of her husband.

According to her, afterwards the casual of her husband, Dr. Abeyie Boakye Atonsah, a acquaintance called Theophilus Teiku Tagoe claimed buying of their land.

Preparing to lay her bedmate to rest, the added said she was abashed to deathwatch up one morning to acquisition Tagoe had brought badge admiral and acreage guards to appropriate her property, with a annoyer accessible to annihilate it.

She appear to the media that the property, which housed their abode on the top attic and a medical ability on the arena floor, was burst by the perpetrators.

Faustina Prempeh additionally appear accident important documents, a cogent bulk of money, and alleviative drugs account GHC200,000 in the demolition.

"I woke up to see that our abode had been amidst by six badge cars with absolutely armed personnel. I was abashed back I saw the annoyer because I haven't alike laid my bedmate to rest," she told the media at a columnist conference on Tuesday, August 8, 2024.

Since the demolition, she acclaimed that portions of their acreage accept been encroached aloft by Tagoe.

Despite efforts to seek redress, she appear that all avenues accept yielded no solution.

She is now argumentation with the Inspector General of Badge (IGP), George Dampare, to appear to her aid.

"We appetite accord in this house. My bedmate bought the acreage and was alike putting up a clinic. I appetite to appeal with the IGP because the declared acreage does not abatement aural this jurisdiction," she stated.

Meanwhile, the agent for the Nungua Stool, Rev. Gyasi Ankrah, has declared that Tagoe has not acquired his acreage aural their territory.