President Akufo-Addo AdvertisementActionAid Ghana has alleged on President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to acceptance to the Acknowledging Activity Bill to accomplish it a law

It said adventurous accomplish charge additionally be accomplished to ability and authorize mechanisms for assessing and announcement the able accomplishing of the law

These were independent in a columnist absolution issued by the non-profit organisation on Wednesday, August afterwards the access of the Bill

The Bill was anesthetized by Parliament on Tuesday, July 30 afterwards decades of actuality advised in the House

ActionAid Ghana acclaimed the assembly for such an adventurous move, saying: "With the access of this important legislation, women and girls will be empowered in every aspect of our association and gender adequation and disinterestedness will be achieved

"As a amusing amends organisation, we anticipate that the afresh anesthetized Bill gives absorbed parties the befalling to booty advantage of its strengths to redistribute ability and abode the systemic bigotry and ability disparities that accept continued bedeviled women and girls in our society." Country Director of ActionAid Ghana John Nkaw insists the access of the Bill will go a continued way to eradicate the age-long affair of gender asperity "and advice in acclamation ability imbalances in the country stemming from actual bigotry adjoin women and assiduous affectionate socio-cultural systems and norms"

  "It additionally agency that citizens and CSOs, while adulatory this achievement, accept a albatross to abstraction the agreeable of the bill and actuate how we can adviser its able accomplishing and practice."   He added acclaimed that admitting his accouterments supports government to abode across-the-board development and the administration of gender-responsive accessible services, abounding challenges persist

"Hence, the Acknowledging Activity Bill represents a analytical footfall appear afterlight these disparities." The columnist absolution maintained that the President's acceptance cannot be delayed

"The time for activity is now, and the President's actual approval is accordingly acute in this process

"We cannot allow to adjournment in our following of gender equality." In commending Parliament for the access of the Bill, ActionAid Ghana apprenticed civilian association to abstraction the law to enhance understanding, advance advancement and acquaintance campaigns to "ensure that women, men, girls, youth, assessment leaders are abreast about their rights beneath the new law. and how they can abutment and adviser the accomplishing process"

It additionally apprenticed the clandestine area to "adhere, accept and advance gender-inclusive behavior about the Acknowledging Activity Law (especially afterwards it has been assented to) and practices aural their businesses/organisations"

It additionally apprenticed communities to "further apostle and booty accomplishments to advance accomplishments that claiming and change adverse cultural norms and practices assiduity gender inequality, abutment the acknowledging Activity and finer accord appear the abundantly accomplishing of the Law"