AdvertisementIn a accent delivered at the Paa Grant Medals for Business Arete 2024 commemoration on Sunday, Western Bounded Abbot Kwabena Okyere Darko Mensah has emphasized the acute role of barter and industry in active acceptable development aural the region

The event, advised to honour outstanding businesses and affect others, accent the cogent contributions of bounded enterprises to the region's bread-and-butter growth

The abbot reflected on the affair of the event, "Potential of barter and industries for acceptable development", affirmation that industries are the courage of any economy, accouterment capital application opportunities, breeding revenue, and adopting innovation

He accustomed the challenges airish by altitude change, amusing inequalities, and ecology apropos but bidding optimism about the region's potential

"The Western Arena possesses amazing resources, including gold, oil and gas, timber, and bauxite," he noted

"When acclimatized effectively, these assets can advance to cogent automated development." He additionally accent the region's agronomical potential, citation its affluent clay and favourable altitude as key factors for all-embracing agriculture, which can enhance aliment aegis and actualize abiding jobs

Tourism, with its breathtaking beauty, cultural heritage, and eco-tourism opportunities, was additionally articular as a able area for acceptable business growth

The abbot apprenticed bounded businesses to strengthen their capabilities and professionalism to accommodated all-around bazaar demands and to abutment arising startups and baby companies

He alleged for added accord amid governments, businesses, civilian society, and individuals to actualize an enabling ambiance for acceptable barter and industrialization

He additionally assured the admirers of the government's charge to acknowledging bounded businesses through assorted policies, including the new Baby and Medium Enterprise Advance and Opportunities Fund, which will now be decentralized to bounded administrations

He encouraged business associations and alone entrepreneurs to appoint with bounded administrations to account from these new opportunities

He assured by advancement entrepreneurs to strive for arete and arrive abeyant investors to accede the Western Region, able the best of assets and opportunities

The Paa Grant Medals for Business Arete 2024 served as a belvedere to bless the achievements of bounded businesses and reinforce the charge to adopting a advancing and acceptable bread-and-butter ambiance in the Western Region