More than 81 Women's Rights Organisations (WROs) beyond the country accept been accurate with grants to accommodate accomplishment training for women and adolescent girls

Plan International Ghana provided the grants of assorted amounts beneath its action accepted as the Women's Voice and Administration (WVL) project, which has appear to an end

The five-year women and girls empowerment project, launched in 2019 and adjourned by Global Affairs, anon impacted 3,200 women beyond 15 regions of the country

Speaking at the close-out commemoration of the activity captivated in Accra on Tuesday, Manager of the project,Ms Theodore Asare, said the beneficiaries accustomed abstruse training and apprenticeship on gender-based violence, enabling them to abutment their families and abate violence. Ms Asare encouraged all beneficiaries of the activity to body on their abilities and abide accretion their impact

"Today we are adulatory bristles years of impactful assignment in localisation and the empowerment of women and girls. I appetite all beneficiaries to use whatever they accept learnt to add amount to their lives," she added

On his part, the Country Director of Plan International Ghana, Mr Constant Tchona, underscored the transformative attributes of the WVL project, emphasising its roots in African Feminist principles

He declared that the activity had able a ability of co-creation, flexibility, and accuracy in carrying gender-transformative programmes

This approach, he said, had decidedly empowered women and girls, breaking cycles of abjection and architecture a added resilient, peaceful, inclusive, and affluent society

"The addition of Canada's Feminist International Assistance Policy in 2017 paved the way for the WVL programme, which was launched in Ghana in 2019. Since then, the gender mural in Ghana has improved, with added advance from development ally in WROs." "These organisations accept played a acute role in advocating for women's empowerment, justice, and equality," he said

Despite their cogent contributions, WROs he said faced challenges such as bare accommodation in governance, animal ability management, and alien donor engagement, circuitous by a abbreviating allotment landscape

To abode these issues, he adumbrated that the WVL activity allocated over 65 percent of its account anon to abutment WROs through admission allotment and accommodation building

Mr Tchona added accent the project's success in acceptable women's self-esteem, confidence, and administration abilities, abacus that the WVL activity has adequate the bureau of women and girls beyond four key domains which are admission and ascendancy over advantageous resources, accord and decision-making, amusing norms, and agreeable moral and primary assignment bearers and institutions

He fatigued the accent of continuing to body a activity of able changeable leaders, citation the contempo Adolescent Changeable Leaders Conference in Tamale, which hosted over 90 girls and adolescent women from seven regions, as an archetype of efforts to ensure a active approaching for the Women's Rights Movement in Ghana

He re-affirmed his outfit's charge to convalescent the lives of children, abnormally girls and adolescent women, by acclamation the basis causes of gender inequality

He additionally alleged for aggregate efforts to redefine leadership, amplify women's voices, and actualize a approaching area gender adequation is a lived reality

A adumbrative of the Admiral of Gender Accouchement and Amusing Protection Ms Vera Karikari accepted the project's absorbing ability and cardinal alignment with the ministry's programming goals

"The admiral is afflicted by the cardinal of WROs accomplished through this project," she added