Sons of Bachus, a group made up of past students of Commonwealth Hall of the University of Ghana, Legon, also known as Vandals, have for the sixth (6th) consecutive year taken upon themselves to annually support the Pantang hospital, a principal Psychiatric health care provider in Ghana.

The conditions of most primary healthcare facilities including the Pantang Psychiatric Hospital in Ghana are in a poor state and reported to receive very low financial subventions.

This situation has left the Pantang Hospital, for example in constant need of assistance to run their daily activities at the hospital including feeding patients, ensuring secure and decent accommodation, and providing patients with adequate potable water and the basic household items to enable inmates at the hospital's facilities live healthy and productive lives.

Realizing this inadequacy in the healthcare delivery system of the country, members of the Sons of Bachus, have dedicated themselves to supporting the Pantang Psychiatric Hospital as an annual special charity project for many years now to bring relief to both staff and patients of the psychiatric hospital and fulfil their dream to give back to society.