Organised Labour says its indefinite nationwide strike slated for Thursday to demand a declaration of state of emergency on illegal mining (galam­sey) and other actions, remains unchanged.

This follows what it described as unsatisfactory outcome of a meet­ing between labour unions and the government on their demands, last Thursday, two days after the declara­tion of the strike action.

The Secretary General of the Trade Union Congress (TUC Ghana), Josh­ua Ansah, disclosed this to journalists yesterday in Accra, after labour unions met to discuss the outcome of the meeting with the government. "Our strike notice remains un­changed, we are of the view that what the government proposed to do does not address our demands and, there­fore, our notice remains unchanged," he said.

Asked for details about what trans­pired at the meeting between organ­ised labour and the government, Mr Ansah said the government promised to collaborate with organised labour and other stakeholders to fight galam­sey.