The Deputy Minister for the Interior, Naana Eyiah Quansah, has urged the Ghana Immigra­tion Service (GIS) to collaborate with other security agencies to protect the country's borders and safeguard its territorial integrity ahead of the upcoming elections.

She emphasised that security was a collective responsibility and cannot be left to a single institu­tion. "In today's complex and ev­er-changing security landscape, it is crucial for the GIS to partner with other agencies to ensure the safety of the country," he said.

Speaking at the opening of a three-day conference organised by the GIS in Koforidua on Friday for its management and regional commanders, the Deputy Minister highlighted the importance of intensifying efforts to protect Ghana's borders, particularly in light of the growing threats of terrorism and violent extremism in Sub-Saharan Africa, often fu­elled by political instability.

The conference, themed "Elections and national security: The operations of the Ghana Immigration Service," focused on discussing GIS's role in the upcoming elections, assessing its achievements and challenges, and planning strategically for the future.