Dr. Anthony Ofosu, Deputy Director General of the Ghana Bloom Service, has alleged on Ghanaians to renew their charge to breastfeeding.

Speaking on August 6, 2024, during the week-long anniversary of World Breastfeeding Day from August 1 to August 7, he accent the advance fabricated in 2023.

He acclaimed the efforts of organizations and accessories in acknowledging alive women by accouterment breastfeeding-friendly spaces.

"We charge all appear calm to abutment our women in accouterment this lifesaving, productivity-boosting aliment to our babies," Dr. Ofosu urged.

He categorical the Ghana Bloom Service's advancing efforts, including convalescent agents competencies to accommodate authentic advice and abutment to abundant women, both during antenatal affliction and post-discharge.

This year, the affair "Closing the Gaps: Breastfeeding Abutment for All" aims for the across-the-board attributes of breastfeeding.

Dr. Ofosu additionally abundant several accomplishments appropriate to accomplish breastfeeding goals, including creating breastfeeding-friendly environments, ensuring bloom agents adherence to ethical guidelines, and removing advertisements for breast milk substitutes in accordance with the Accessible Bloom Act.

"Let us all leave actuality with a aggregate boldness to ensure that all accouchement built-in in Ghana alpha activity appropriate and augment right. Breast milk is the ultimate superfood," he said.

He explained that breast milk, absolute over 200 accepted constituents, is ill-fitted to abutment an infant's advance and development, attention adjoin infections and abiding altitude like diabetes and obesity.

He alleged on agent owners and drivers to ensure their cartage are safe for mothers to breastfeed on board.

Dr. Marion Okoh-Owusu, Director of the Accessible Bloom Division of the Ghana Bloom Service, added that absolute breastfeeding is actual important in the aboriginal lives of children.

According to the contempo Ghana Demographic and Bloom Survey, the admission of breastfeeding aural the aboriginal hour has added from 52% to 58%, and absolute breastfeeding ante accept hardly bigger from 52% to 53.1%.

However, these abstracts abatement abbreviate of the nation's aggressive ambition of accomplishing over 70% in both indicators.

The Ghana Bloom Service affairs to appoint a broader ambit of stakeholders, auspicious the conception of breastfeeding spaces in accessible areas, places of worship, banks, and accessible services.


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