Mark Okraku Mantey (Deputy Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture) AdvertisementThe Deputy Creative Arts Minister, Mark Okraku-Mantey has anecdotal some challenges he adventures afterwards actuality a adjudicator on Coach years ago

As a amount affiliate of the console of board on Coach some years back, Okraku-Mantey was accepted for his austere and common demeanour

Only focused on his job and admiring for the appearance to agitate out actual abundant talent, Mark would not alternate to adios anyone who assume not to be giving his best

Years on, a above coach contestant, Nene Narh while assuming at the barrage of the 2024 National Anniversary of Arts and Culture [NAFAC] on Tuesday, August 6 claimed to accept been alone by Okraku-Mantey during one of the Coach auditions

In acknowledgment to Narh's claims, Mark Okraku-Mantey candidly adumbrated while acclamation the acquisition that actuality a adjudicator of the music absoluteness appearance has become a botheration for him

According to him, "the claiming is that anniversary adventure of Coach recorded over 2500 bodies so for 6 seasons we are abiding of over 12 thousand and it's difficult to bethink them"

He continued, "And it has become a botheration for me now because some of them are accurate some of them are not accurate but how am I activity to acquaint the aberration because, I don't bethink them but this actual one I do …Yes, I do"

Mark Okraku-Mantey added accepted Nene Narh by stressing," I am blessed he has become a bigger being and I am appreciative of him"

The barrage of the 2024 NAFAC admiring abundant high-profile attendees, including the Deputy Minister for Tourism, Arts, and Culture, Mark Okraku Mantey, Bono East Regional Minister, Kwasi Adu Gyan, and the Executive Director of the National Commission on Culture, Nana Otuo Owoahene Acheampong, amid others

The anniversary is appointed to activate from October 25 to 31 in Techiman, Bono East Region