The robotics aggregation of Vine Christian Aerial Academy (VCHS) in Accra has emerged arrive at the contempo Pan-African Robotics Antagonism captivated on July 28, 2024, in Dakar, Senegal

This was aggregate on LinkedIn by Bra Perucci, area the folio acclaimed that the Ghanaian aggregation was fabricated of Alexine Seiba Amoako, Zachary Opoku, Joshua Sunkwa-Mills, and Joshua-Caleb Dadzie

"The Pan African Robotics Antagonism challenges teams to design, build, and affairs robots to complete circuitous tasks and attempt in a alternation of trials. VCHS, who are additionally the Ghana Robotics Antagonism 2023 Champions, approved amazing skill, creativity, and teamwork, earning the top atom amid a acreage of awful aggressive teams

"The antagonism featured about 400 top adolescent minds from beyond 14 African countries including Mali, Uganda, Lesotho, Madagascar, Nigeria, and Cote d'Ivoire," he stated

He congratulated the aggregation for leveraging their assorted abilities sets to accomplish arresting success

"The aggregation acclimated their assorted abilities and a cardinal access to accomplish their success. This celebrated competition, which draws top aerial academy robotics teams from beyond the continent, witnessed the VCHS aggregation accepting aboriginal abode with their avant-garde architecture and aberrant performance," the column said

According to the organisers, The Pan-African Robotics Antagonism witnessed absurd robotics feats, alarming collaborations, and a amazing advertise of aptitude from 94 teams with the accord of 25 African countries, with 33 top teams advancing to the finals

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