Failed absolute aldermanic candidate, Kwabena Owusu Aduomi, has absitively to acknowledge the (NPP) afterward a adaptation with the party's Ashanti Regional Council of Elders on Monday, August 5, 2024.

Owusu Aduomi had ahead absent his bid to win the Ejisu acclamation to clandestine acknowledged practitioner, Francis Kwabena Boateng, on Tuesday, April 30.

The acclamation was captivated due to the adverse casual of the above MP, .

Aduomi, who had served as a three-time NPP Member of Parliament for the Ejisu constituency, chose to run as an absolute applicant in the by-election.

His accommodation was apprenticed by apropos over the candor and candor of the NPP's delegates' list, which he believed the affair had bootless to abode adequately. This move led to accusations from some NPP members, who acquainted betrayed and speculated that he had defected to the action National Democratic Congress (NDC).

In a account issued by the Ashanti Regional Council of Elders on Tuesday, August 6, Aduomi apprenticed to accompany his supporters aback to the party.

"Engineer Owusu Aduomi respectfully responded to overtures fabricated by the Council of Elders and honoured an allurement by the Council aimed at accepting him aback into the fold, in a affair characterised by aboveboard and accessible discussions of issues that accept happened in the past.

"Owusu Aduomi appear to the contentment of the associates of the Council of Elders that he had put aggregate abaft him and went on to advertise his acknowledgment to the affair unconditionally. He emphasised that his umbilical bond is buried in NPP and that the NPP runs through the veins of his blood. Furthermore. Engineer Owusu Aduomi apprenticed to allocution to his supporters and accompany them aback to the party," a account from the Council of Elders indicated.

Below is the statement: