Ashanti Regional NPP Chairman Bernard Antwi Boasiako, additionally accepted as Chairman Wontumi, has sparked a active agitation with his contempo statements declaring Ghana a added agreeable abode than London

In an account with Kojo Marfo on Abusua Nkommo at Abusua FM, Wontumi appear that he has relocated his accouchement to Ghana, citation the country's agreeable ambiance and lower amount of living

Wontumi confidently argued, "I consistently say Ghana is bigger than London. If I say so, am I a joker, or is this a badinage belvedere that I would say such things?" He contended, "Ghana is bigger than London. My accouchement are in Ghana actuality because Ghana is added agreeable than London." Wontumi accent Ghana's progress, advertence initiatives like chargeless apprenticeship and burying for aliment and jobs

He said these efforts had led to decreased aliment prices, with tomatoes now costing Ghc5

He insisted, "Because of the Burying for Aliment and Jobs initiative, aliment are now cheap. Tomatoes are now GH¢5. Pepper, plantains, and meat are bargain in our markets." Not alike the bazaar prices relayed by the host Kojo Marfo could get Chairman Wontumi to chronicle to the accepted accessible cries of hardship

He rather accused Kojo Marfo, who insisted he had angry a vegetarian to abstain purchasing meat, of breeding an calendar of the action National Democratic Congress

"If you accept now adopted a vegetarian diet, again you're not spending a lot. As a vegetarian, you can eat pawpaw leaves, kontomire, and cassava leaves; it's accept for you." "You are overextension NDC propaganda. If not for that, you wouldn't say you can't alike buy meat," Chairman Wontumi responded

Wontumi acicular out that aliment had become so affordable he could eat GH¢10.00 account of Gari and beans, to his satisfaction