During a boondocks anteroom affair in Accra on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, Dr Amin Adam explained that the DDEP was a claim by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), necessitating its implementation. "We absitively to restructure our debts because it was one of the requirements by the IMF. We started with the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme, the DDEP was a actual acknowledged programme, accomplishing 95% participation. And on this note, I would like to address to the bodies of Ghana to absolve us, absolve us." "It is never the ambition of any government to appoint hardships on its people. More so, the NPP government has approved that we appetite to abate the accountability on the Ghanaian people." "It was a necessary, actual important accommodation at the time, that if we had abhorred it, our abridgement would not balance as it has recovered today. The decisions we made, and all the abutment you gave us during the DDEP acquire contributed abundantly to the accretion our abridgement is seeing today." "This is why I appetite to address to you to absolve us. But additionally to acknowledge you on account of the admiral for the sacrifices, for the efforts that you all acquire fabricated accommodating in the DDEP that adored our economy," the Finance Minister said

Dr Mohammed Amin Adam Pulse Ghana The Minister's appeal for absolution comes off the aback of the admonition Kennedy Agyapong, the NPP MP for Assin Central, gave the government some canicule ago. According to the legislator, Ghanaians would not acquire his party, the NPP's attack bulletin if they do not apologise for the hardships beneath their governance. "Let's go out there with humility, apologise to Ghanaians, and acquire your mistakes afore you can argue anybody to vote for you. If we avoid the hardships Ghanaians are activity through, they will never acquire what we are saying. You aboriginal acquire to acquire that there are hardships, let's accord NPP addition chance, and I apperceive we acquire all learnt our lessons," he urged

The cardinal party, NPP, has faced accretion analysis and criticism over the country's bread-and-butter challenges. The affair cites the all-around COVID-19 communicable and the Russia-Ukraine battle as factors that acquire affronted bread-and-butter difficulties, arch to inflation, unemployment, and accepted bread-and-butter accident for abounding Ghanaians