Ghana's architect and above president, Dr. , has become the blueprint of accessible discussions in the aftermost 72 hours, afterward the Founders' Day celebration.

Netizens accept revisited history to accustom themselves with the bequest and contributions of Dr , abnormally appear bread-and-butter development in the country and beyond borders.

This comes in the deathwatch of a accompaniment abode on August 4 by Admiral Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to admire Founders' Day celebration.

His animadversion sparked agrarian debates and controversies amid the accessible over who the founding ancestor of the country was.

Additionally, the contributions and roles played by the added associates of the Big Six, namely Edward Akufo-Addo, Ako Adjei, J.B Danquah, Emmanuel Obetsebi Lamptey and William Ofori Atta, accept appear into question.

According to netizens, Nkrumah is the alone accustomed founding ancestor of Ghana; thus, any attempts by some individuals to abolish his legacies and attenuate his achievements will not be accepted.

Here are some of the tweets apropos Dr. on X today: