This year's Na­tional Anniversary of Arts and Ability (NAFAC) was launched in Accra yester­day with the commencement of a 21-member planning commit­tee to beacon the diplomacy of the festival

On the affair 'Beyond NAFAC at 60 and harnessing Culture, the axis for Ghana's Capitalism and Acceptable De­velopment,' the accident would be captivated at Techiman, in the Bono East Arena from October 25 to 31, this year

The anniversary anniversary is aimed at accouterment the belvedere for mo­bilising stakeholders in the arts and ability industry to interact, advertise talents and creativity, while bulging the ethics of the Ghanaian ancestry as able-bodied as advance the spirit of civic character and pride

The Agent Abbot of Tour­ism, Arts and Culture, Mark Okra­ku Mantey, who launched it said the anniversary would addition calm tourism while accouterment the plat­form for artisans, musicians, and cultural performers to advertise their talents, thereby announcement Ghana's cultural assortment and creativity. According to him, it would additionally serve as a bridge, abutting bodies from all walks of life, fos­tering alternate understanding, and announcement amusing cohesion

"By all-embracing the altered cultures and traditions aural the nation, we can body a added across-the-board association area every articulation is heard and every ability is respected. As we commence on this agitative journey," he added

The agent abbot added alleged on Ghanaians to abutment and participate in the anniversary and apprenticed the planning board to assignment adamantine to accomplish the pro­gramme a success

The Bono East Bounded Min­ister, Kwasi Adu-Gyan, explained that the anniversary would present a different befalling for the bodies of Techiman and the Bono East Arena to highlight the beauty, uniqueness, resilience, socio-cul­tural and economicendowment of the arena and to the blow of the apple while creating an enabling ambiance for investments and businesses to thrive

The Executive Director of Civic Commission on Ability (NCC), Nana Otuo Owoahene Acheampong, said the anniversary was accepted to appearance the country's babyminding and capitalism as able-bodied as ensuring acceptable civic growth

"It is an actual actuality that our ability holds the abeyant in allotment us in accomplishing sus­tainable development in all facets of our lives

All we charge is ability and sup­port the accordant institutions to be able to do their assignment finer and calmly appear achiev­ing this goal," he added

He apprenticed the accessible to use the belvedere to best peaceful campaigns and main­tain civic unity

Activities categorical for the 7-day anniversary accommodate a admirable durbar of chiefs and the bodies of Techiman and the blow of the country

Others are colloquium, wom­en and girls day, adept classes for creatives, appointment and seminars for creatives, cultural practitioners and associates of the academia, agreeable concerts, bounded days, Mr and Ms NA­FAC, acceptable games, arts and crafts, exchange and exhibitions throughout the 7-day event, adolescence day, all-embracing friend­ship night, amid others