The Vice President and the flagbearer of the New Patri­otic Party, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, has entreated the adolescent bearing to advocate the ethics and constant attempt of the country's founding fathers to actuate civic advance and development

He apprenticed the youth, in particular, to booty afflatus from the airy alcohol of the founding fathers to adviser them in all their endeavours

"Let us advance the ethics and attempt that ascertain our attempt for freedom," he said

Dr Bawumia said this at a academy captivated in Accra, on Saturday to mark the 77th ceremony of the founding of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC). The accident on the theme: "Our Tradi­tion, Our Heritage," admiring associates of the Council of Elders of the NPP and key abstracts of the party

The UGCC was formed on August 4, 1947 in the age-old boondocks of Saltpond of the Central Region

It was the aboriginal political affair in the Gold Coast, with the eyes to deliver the bodies from the chains of the British Colonial Administration and authorize sovereignty

The antecedents abaft the UGCC for­mation included J.B. Danquah, George Grant, and their colleagues who advo­cated freedom in the beeline accessible time

Dr Bawumia acclaimed that the abstruse words aggressive abounding to accompany the ardu­ous attempt for ability and the end of oppression, colonialism, and dictator­ship

"The UGCC laid the background for Ghana's ability on March 6, 1957. The UGCC has been the corner­stone of political development in our history," Dr Bawumia said

The NPP flagbearer acclaimed that the accumulation of the UGCC spurred the actualization of political parties and acute political acquaintance amid the bodies of the Gold Coast

He said that the acquaint fatigued from the UGCC had led to a affecting trans­formation of the country's backroom and the enactment of the New Patriotic Affair (NPP) and abounding of its anterior parties

"The NPP traces its roots aback to the ideologies of the UGCC and has consistently congenital aloft and developed these attempt to clothing the country's needs, attention the role of self-gov­ernance and appetite for a bigger Ghana for all," Dr Bawumia recalled

He said the UGCC accomplished signifi­cant milestones by advancement demo­cratic governance

The NPP flagbearer said the signif­icant advance fabricated beneath Presidents Kufour and Nana Akufo-Addo in ex­panding the frontiers of a chargeless market, both in agreement of action and legislation, and authoritative the clandestine area the en­gine of bread-and-butter advance had added job opportunities and bigger the active altitude of the people

"While accomplishing this eyes of the founders of our tradition, the NPP, constant with the founding ethics has not larboard out the best accessible in our nation," he stated

Dr Bawumia acclaimed that admitting the NPP government prioritised clandestine basal and acreage ownership, it had, back 2001, provided assurance nets for the poor

"It was President Kufour who intro­duced the Capitation Grant to advance admission to basal education

The government accomplished the Liveli­hood Empowerment Programme, the School Feeding, the Chargeless Antenatal casework for mothers, and the Nation­al Health Insurance Scheme amid others

"President Akufo-Addo additionally imple­mented the Chargeless SHS and Chargeless TVET initiatives, the distinct better amusing interventions in our nation's history," Dr Bawumia recalled

"The NPP acknowledges the UG­CC's acceptance in the transformative ability of education. Our assignment today is to body on this foundation by deeply advancement the eyes that paved the way for a autonomous association and our won­derful achievements," Dr Bawumia said