The Ministry of Information has start­ed with its planned Townhall affairs with the aboriginal copy demography abode in Accra

Organised in accord with the Bounded Coordinating Council the affair is a plat­form to advertise government's infrastructural projects and amusing interventions in the regions

• Dr Mohammed Amin Adam (second from left) and Ms Fatimatu Abubakar analytical one of the exhibition stands It afforded the befalling for all the 29 District, Municipal and Metropolitan Assem­blies (MMDAs) to display some key infra­structural projects implemented so far by the Government from 2017 to date

Journalists and the accessible were accustomed the befalling to additionally ask questions and seek clarifications from duty-bearers. The affair which forms allotment of alternation of activities to back up government communica­tion is to advice acquaint the citizenry of govern­ment's accomplishment in the breadth of infrastruc­tural development as able-bodied as babyminding in general

Expected to be taken to all 16 regions of the country, the townhall affairs will focus on government's accomplishment aural corresponding regions and accord into civic develop­ment

Speaking during the Greater Accra Region­al copy in Accra bygone at the Ghana Civic Association of Teachers (GNAT) Hall in Accra, the Abbot of Finance, Dr Mohammed Amin Adam, said the admeasurement of the abridgement admitting the challenges had developed by $20 billion beneath the accepted administering as of 2023

Comparing aforementioned with that of 2013, he said beneath Mahama's administering the admeasurement of the abridgement was called at $64 billion, however, this bargain to $56 billion in 2016

Dr Adam said as of 2023 the admeasurement of the Ghanaian abridgement was called at $76 billion "so in nominal agreement the abridgement has developed by $20 billion beneath Akufo-Addo govern­ment"

He said the government had taken boxy bread-and-butter decisions in the bosom of the all-around bread-and-butter crises occasioned by the COVID-19 communicable and the Russia-Ukraine war and those decisions were alpha to crop posi­tive results

Dr Adam cited the Domestic Debt Ex­change programme (DDP) which saw 95 per cent accord by bounded bond-holders while as one of the abundant boxy decisions taken by the government

The abbot said the government recorded $3.4 billion barter surplus in 2023, as adjoin $1.8 billion barter arrears recorded beneath the Mahama government in 2016

On inflation, he said government's re­silient behavior and programmes had led to a desperate abridgement in aggrandizement from 54 per cent in 2022 to 22 per cent as of June this year

"By the end of this year, the infla­tion will appear bottomward to 15 per cent and hopefully, if we are accustomed the authorization in the December 7 Election, we will accompany it bottomward to a distinct chiffre by 2025,"Dr Amin Adam assured

He attributed the billow in the infla­tion to the all-around bread-and-butter accident due to the Russia-Ukraine battle and the COVID-19 communicable and not be­cause of bread-and-butter mismanagement

The Abbot of Information, Ms Fati­matu Abubakar, in her acceptable remarks, said the townhall affairs would be organised beyond the country in all the 16 regions till November, this year

She said the accident would accredit bounded ministers, arch controlling admiral of the assorted assemblies and area ministers to acknowledgment questions from the accessible on their stewardship

She said the acknowledgment from the interactions with the accessible would abetment government's approaching behavior and programmes