AdvertisementEach year on 30 July, the International Organization for Clearing (IOM) and its ally common admire World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. This year in Ghana, IOM abutting armament with the Ministry of Gender, Accouchement and Amusing Aegis (MoGCSP)'s Animal Trafficking Secretariat (HTS). The affair was "Leave No Child Abaft in the Fight Against Animal Trafficking," and football was acclimated as a apparatus for adolescence empowerment and unity

The day of sports was organised to accession acquaintance of the accident of trafficking for accouchement and adolescent people. Football matches took abode amid four Senior High Schools, as able-bodied as amid stakeholders who abutment the abolishment of animal trafficking, and the MoGCSP. Throughout the day, assorted speeches and alternate sessions accustomed the acceptance to apprentice about the risks associated with aberrant clearing as able-bodied as about safe clearing pathways

Delivering the keynote address, the Chief Director of the MoGCSP, Dr. Afisah Zakariah, accent that animal trafficking affects millions of accouchement worldwide, subjecting victims to arrant and calumniating conditions. She emphasized that the Ministry is committed to implementing antitoxin measures through assorted contemporary areas, including adopting acquaintance through sports and altruistic activities. "Sports can activity opportunities for traffickers to exploit, appropriately preventing accouchement from acceptable victims while advancing their antic dreams," she added

Ghana is a country of origin, alteration and destination for migrants who may be accessible to trafficking, both aural and beyond borders. IOM's assignment in Ghana involves accouterment aegis and abetment to survivors of trafficking forth such afoot routes, acceptable their autonomous returns, and ensuring their acceptable reintegration. Since aftermost year, IOM has accurate added than 1,300 aberrant migrants and 50 survivors of trafficking to acknowledgment cautiously to Ghana. The trafficking survivors were assisted with shelter, medical care, aliment items, and reintegration acknowledgment to the MoGCSP

"Today, on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, we reflect on the analytical issues faced by all those accessible to trafficking, including children, in Ghana. Ending trafficking calls for able partnerships and a whole-of-society approach. IOM Ghana stands close in its charge to abutment the Government to end animal trafficking - no distinct amateur can do it alone! Together, let's accession our choir and booty activity to assure the vulnerable, abrogation no one behind," said IOM Ghana Chief of Mission, Fatou Diallo Ndiaye

IOM's accord with the Government activity advanced aims to accouterment animal trafficking through abutment with the advance of the Government apartment for trafficking survivors; trainings for law administration agencies; donations of appointment accessories for the Ghana Police Service's Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (GPS AHTU); acquaintance adopting activities in called communities led by GPS as able-bodied as on amusing media; and reintegration abutment to trafficking survivors