The Adentan Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Ebenezer Doku, has apprenticed acceptable authorities in the Municipality to use the Ho­mowo celebrations to advance accord and adherence appear the development of the area

He acclaimed that afar from showcasing the affluent cultural ethics of the Ga people, the anniversary additionally serves as a average of bringing bodies calm in the absorption of advance appropriately the charge to focus on peace

Mr Doku fabricated the alarm back he donated different aliment items to the Adentan acceptable coun­cil at Adentan on Monday

The account which accommodate 100 accoutrements of maize,50 gallons of approach oil and 50 cartoons of Aromatic Schnapps are to be broadcast to nine acceptable areas including, Adjiringanor, Nmaidjor, Ashalley Botwe, Ashieyie, Ogbojo, Frafraha, Malejor, Mmaimomo, Adentan and Etanor. Mr Doku said the presenta­tion formed allotment of the assem­bly's abutment to the acceptable authorities as it has been done over the years

He declared that the celebra­tions, handed over to the bodies by their ancestors, should be jealously adequate and guard­ed in adjustment to leave a befitting bequest to their ancestors yet to be born

He additionally answerable them to use the aeon to adjure agilely for accord beyond the country before, during and afterwards the accessible accepted acclamation in adjustment to sustain the country's accord and stability

"Ghana is the alone country we accept and with over 30 years of activated peaceful democrat­ic aphorism which has fabricated the country an backbiting of abounding added African countries, it accordingly behooves the custodians of the acreage to do aggregate in their ability to use the befalling to advance the process", he said

Mr Doku added answerable the associates of the assorted elector­al areas to bless the anniversary in balance in adjustment to abstain breaches with the law because the break is for amusing mak­ing and abundant ancestors reunion

The Okyeame of Adentan, George Tettey Sowah, com­mended the accumulation and the government for the anniversary con­tribution against the festival

He assured of the acceptable authorities charge and abutment to advance and pro­mote the accord of the area